A five-part Radio 4 drama for the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 moon-landing.
'MOON' is taken from the NASA transcripts of the mission, told entirely in the astronauts' own words. In this verbatim production we travel with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins from launch to the moon's surface, hearing every word and breath.
NASA gave us permission to use the historic audio from Mission Control, so we have the real Charlie Duke and Bruce McCandless as the voices of Houston. Actors Nathan Nolan, Ronan Summers and Edward Hogg interacted with those real voices in a conversation crossing 50 years.
Their journey is narrated by Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock (Sky at Night).
Produced by James Robinson BBC Wales.
Sound design by Nigel Lewis.
Thanks to Prof Chris Welch, International Space University
Broadcast on BBC Radio 4 July 15th-20th 2019.